Newsletter Policy
Registration to the newsletter service from our TESORI website is free of charge and implies full acceptance of these conditions by the user.
The service provides for the sending of informative e-mails regarding offers and promotions, events, news, presentation of new services/products, new regulations, etc. TESORI is committed, within the limits of its capabilities, to guarantee the quality and continuity of the service, and to work to improve it over time, however it also reserves the right to suspend the delivery at any time, even without prior notice.
Since the provided e-mail address is the only information the website can use to contact the user, in case of unreachability, unavailability, or inexistence of e-mail address, info@tesoritaly reserves the right to revoke subscription to the Newsletter service.
The registered user can also, at any time, revoke their subscription to the newsletter service by sending an email to .
By subscribing to this newsletter, you declare that you accept the terms and conditions of the data contained in this information sheet.
Pursuant to article 13 of the European GDPR regulation 679/2016, regarding the protection of persons and other subjects and the processing of personal and sensitive data, the processing of your information will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, and transparency and protecting your privacy and your rights at all times.
In accordance with the aforementioned, we hereby provide you with the following information:
The data you provide will be used for the following purposes:
adherence to the receipt of our newsletter
The processing of data will be completed by IT tools and manually by specially appointed persons. The data will be stored in our digital and IT archives and in all cases domestically in Italy and in the USA with certified operators with EU-U.S./Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks.
As part of the process described above it is necessary for us to obtain and store all necessary personal data (mandatory fields). Any refusal to provide such data will result in the impossibility of receiving our newsletter.
As is stated in the data privacy statement on this website, the personal data are not disclosed to other companies. The cancelling of subscription to our newsletter service can be completed according to procedures indicated in the "newsletter regulation"
The data will not be transmitted to third parties, except for cases, where we have the explicit authorization of the data owner.
The subscriber is TESORI APS • P.IVA / C.F. : 03879831208 • VIA LUIGI DONINI 39 40068 SAN LAZZARO DI SAVENA (BO)
At any time you can exercise your rights vis-a-vis the data controller, in accordance with Article 15 of the European GDPR Regulation 679/2016 which for your convenience we will provide in full, by contacting us at the addresses indicated in this statement, by sending an email to the address