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2021 Pens December-50.jpg
new arrivals


We have been in the process of evaluating how we are structured as a business. Thank you for your patience in this process. We have decided that we will be moving our manufacturing to the USA and are in the process of figuring out how to best do this. It is going to take some time for all of this to happen so please be patient with us. We look forward to serving you again in the near future. Until then, we will not have pen inventory available.  


Photography Series 

Watch a piece of material transform in the hands of our craftsman in this series of ten photos. Then see how  each stage symbolizes the restoration process experienced by the survivors of trafficking that Tesori exists to empower.


Noi di Tesori creiamo con passione penne fatte a mano che i collezionisti possano godere di generazione in generazione. Eccellenza, bellezza, artigianalità, qualità e servizio clienti sono valori che caratterizzano tutto ciò che facciamo. Siamo orgogliosi di creare ogni strumento da scrittura Tesori affinché sia un'opera d'arte unica. Il nostro è un piccolo negozio, ma abbiamo grandi sogni e un cuore ancora più grande. 




Perhaps what sets Tesori apart is our commitment not just to making pens but to making a difference. We love taking raw materials and transforming them into writing instruments that are works of art, but what we love even more is empowering lives to be transformed. We give back 25% of the total sales toward this end which means that every Tesori pen is even more than an heirloom worthy writing instrument. It is an instrument of justice and restoration.

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